vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge

From experience gathered while clerking patients, both as a medical student, and now as a doctor; most ladies are clueless about Vaginal discharges, often mistaking the “normal” vaginal discharge as “abnormal”. Hence the question, “are you having a vaginal discharge?” is often met with the answer “yes.” However, when you probe further you realise, in …

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vaginal douching

Vaginal douching: Harmful Or Beneficial?

Is vaginal douching harmful or beneficial? There seem to be this unsettling myth about the apparent “uncleanliness” of the vagina making rounds among the female folks, and the need to keep it “clean”, whatever that means. In a bid to indulge this myth and keep the vagina “clean” most women resort to douching. What Is …

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incompetent cervix

Incompetent cervix

What is an incompetent cervix? An incompetent cervix which is otherwise called Cervical insufficiency is the inability of the uterine cervix — the “gate” to the womb, to retain pregnancy, that is to hold off the fetus from being expelled, in the second trimester, leading to “unceremonious” miscarriages. It is about the commonest cause of …

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stages of miscarriage

5 stages of a miscarriage

What is a miscarriage? A miscarriage is the spontaneous, or unplanned expulsion of an embryo or foetus before the age of viability. The age of viability is the age at which a foetus if born, can survive and live independent of the mother. The age of viability in Nigeria is pegged at 28 completed weeks, …

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Tetanus: Dirty wounds aren’t the only culprits

What comes to mind when you hear about tetanus? A dirty wound right? One of the first brushes the average African child has with preventive medicine is learning how to prevent the deadly, toxin-mediated disease, Tetanus. As children grow and start taking interest in their environment, adventurous exploration of the said environment is inevitable. With …

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pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease? This is actually a genital infection, a Sexually Transmitted Disease that has gone beyond the vagina spreading further upwards to affect the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and the ovaries with serious deleterious effects on these organs. It usually arises due to Gonococcal or Chlamydial infection and can run a chronic …

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symptoms of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer: symptoms, risk factors, screening, diagnosis, complication, prevention and treatment

What is Prostate Cancer? Prostate cancer which is also referred to as Cancer of the Prostate [ CaP] is a malignant transformation of the cells of the prostate gland into cells with the ability to proliferate uncontrollably, erode into surrounding tissues/organs, and the potential to spread to other parts of the body. It is about …

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